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Tutorial ShortCut

Cash Checks Summary On Payment Report

In Payments and Deposits Report, a summary of cash checks done is presented to help with daily record of cash reconciliation. 

Tutorial ShortCut

Items Images

In Orders > Items Images, the page shows all images taken which are associated with items. This is useful for sorting and searching of images and items.

Tutorial ShortCut

Easier Copying Price List

When copying price list item, a popup will appear, asking to copy into different account, category or item name.

Tutorial ShortCut

Last Editor of a Transaction

The system now tracks the last user who directly edit a transaction, together with the timestamp when the change is made.

Tutorial ShortCut

Unspecified Due Date of Payables

A new filter option is added to filter payable transactions without specified due date. This usually happens when the payable transaction is made directly onto the general ledger.