019 391 3193 the@works25.com

Update 2021-08-28

Accounting Dashboard See financial information at a glance, with the new accounting dashboard. Go to Accounting >...

Update 2021-08-25

Overdue Payables Badge Accounting and its sub menu, payables now show a badge for overdue payables or accrued expenses. Convert Other Liability Account Balance to A Payable Quickly create a payable to zerorise a liability account. Useful for some current liabilities...

Update 2021-08-19

Shortcut For Attendance A shortcut for attendance is now on the Dashboard Shortcuts. No need to logout to record attendance. SPEED Most pages has been designed to use fast loading. Page load time is expected to be...

Update 2021-08-10

New Mobile Menu The mobile menu (shown when device screen is below 992px) is newly designed for easy reach, with quick shortcuts for New Order, Booking/Delivery Agenda, All Orders, Inventory Summary, Accounting Transactions And Reports.  Print Payment Record After...