019 391 3193 the@works25.com

Update 2024-07-15

Easily Create New Pricing Account No need to go through Accounting > Accounts just to create a new pricing account. In the latest update, just type in the new pricing account name, and the system will prompt to confirm the creation of a new pricing account. Create...

Update 2024-06-18

Item Images: Upload from Gallery To upload item image from device gallery, click on the image file icon, next to the snap button. The admin tasks now can also be attached with images, in Orders > Admin Task > Click on Details on a...

Updates Jan – May 2024

Limit Voucher Claim To limit the number of vouchers claimable for a bill to only 1, go to Settings > Points & Vouchers. Scroll down to the input: Limit Claim Once Per Bill. Choose Yes, Limit. Limit Voucher by an Account, a Category or an Item When creating a...

Update 2023-11-19

Registration Form Print a registration form, and display at the counter. Customer can scan the QR code to register. The newly registered customer will automatically appear in New Order. To get the QR code, go to Settings > Registration Form. Click on the QR code...

Update 2023-10-08

New Filter at Price List To show only prices associated with inventory items, click on Filter, and choose Inventoried: Yes. Then, click Apply on Filter. Trap to avoid accidental order cancellation. When navigating away from an on-going order taking, a confirmation...

Update 2023-08-19

Filter by Colour in New Order Filter by Colour in New Order New easy-click buttons are added, to help filter items by color code.2 additional button at the top: All Items & Discounted Items Sales By Customers report New Detailed Report 7 New detailed reports on...