019 391 3193 the@works25.com

ShortCut to Account Statement

In Accounting > Transactions, a button will emerge if the transactions are shown from an account. Click the button to see the account statement.

Offline Warning And Page

When offline, there will be a red bar notifiying so, and if the user navigate to a different page, the offline page will be shown.

Toyyibpay: Charge fee to Customer

The RM1 fee will be charged to customer instead.

Whatsapp Notification on Booking

Ability to disable the forced notification on a new booking by customer.

Inventory Items Pricing

Directly edit display Price, Category and Name, or create a new display Price, directly from Inventory > Goods. Use Edit mode to do so.

Staffs Sales Performance by Item and Category

See detailed sales performance report for each staff.
Reports > Staff > click on magnifying glass on a row.