1. Quick Dealing at the Counter
Take orders easily, whether via smartphone, tablet, or computer. Our point-of-sale system (POS) was specially created to fulfill laundry orders.
Colour and Picture
Enter a picture that matches the item. For example, consider the difference between a winter jacket and a coat.
Use color to differentiate item categories: Wet Wash, Dry Wash, or Rub.
Change the Price directly.
For dirtier clothes, it is possible to charge more. So, keep changing the price of the item when opening the order.
Different Price List
You can have different price lists for different types of customers. Suitable for business-to-business (B2B) customers.
Note on the Price
Do you have a specific note for an item? For example, Remove curry stains on the front pocket.
Type and the note will follow on the receipt and tag the item.
Make a Quotation
The Quotation button is provided to save the order as a quotation only, without proceeding as an invoice.
Store Customer Data
Customer data and sales items are stored directly. No need to ask for the customer’s phone number every time.
2. Work Station
Many orders on different categories? With the Workstation function, each station that manages a specific category in your production will be able to see only the work of their station.
Quick Status Update Button.
Just press the quick status button to continue updating completed items or select another status from the available selection box.
Print Chits and Tags.
Print a chit (work list by station for 1 bill) or a tag to paste on the item to be processed.

3. Scan QR Codes on Tags and Bills
Simplify the management of each order item with automatic records, using QR code scans on tags and bills.
Staff Name.
Staff who scan the QR code and the item’s status will be automatically recorded. Continue browsing other item codes for quick work.
Record the shelf.
Item storage shelves will continue to be recorded. When the customer wants to pick up the item, the item search will be fast. There is no customer to wait a long time and worry.
Make sure items are enough.
Scan the QR to see the customer’s complete order, and make sure each item is sufficient.
4. Order Status
View order status: Received, Completed, Sent, or Blocked. These are in a different color-coded list, so every order is not missed.
Whatsapp Customer.
Send the order to the customer when the garment is ready. Verses and bill links are all automatically available. Just press Send.
Get a direct notification to your phone or computer if an item is marked stuck or cannot be processed.
Collect orders.
Group orders by customer, category, or payment status.

5. Full List of Jobs
See the full list of jobs by Category, Item, and Due Date.
Status Update.
Confirm the status of each item and update directly.
Assigning Staff.
Select staff to be assigned to specific items. The staff will have their own work schedule.
6. Stage Process
For productions that go through several processes for each item, this view helps to see the work in each process.
Refinement of Labor Use.
Identify processes that require more workers and otherwise.
Identify production problems.
Analyze and identify slow processes directly so that you can resolve them immediately.

7. Save the Item Image
Insert a photo of the item, the date and time the photo was taken, and a brief note.
Protect Against Damage Charges
Take a picture of the item’s condition before washing, especially if there is any original damage.
Avoid items changed
Item pictures can be easily referenced later based on the bill or date.
8. Customer Loyalty Program
Laundry and dry cleaning customers are often regulars. Keep them loyal to your service through rewards points, memberships, and vouchers.
Electronic Voucher.
Set how many RM worth of vouchers will be given each time after payment is received, exceeding a certain value.
Points Reward.
Set how many RM worth of reward points will be given each time after payment is received, exceeding a certain value.
Set the membership duration and the discounts to be given, or set different prices for members.
Cloud Storage
It can be used on multiple devices at once. If the device is damaged, the data is not lost.
Power Ranking
Differentiate between admin, manager, leader, and general worker roles. Up to 8 power levels can be set for over 120 functions.
The system is constantly updated with new functions and security several times monthly. There is no need to worry about the system becoming outdated and lagging.
Customer Service
Each of our customers will be assigned a customer service officer. So, no need to talk to the robot to get help.
Backup Data Daily
Every 2am, the system will back up data to 2 different data centers so that your data is always safe and protected.
No Data Storage Limit
We will not store uploaded images or documents. Instead, it will be saved in your Google Drive. So, there is no limit as long as there is space in Google Drive.
Built-in Account System
This system is the same as the accounting system. Yes, a complete accounting system with PO, DO, SI, RN, CN, Invoicing, Debtors, Creditors, PnL, Balance Sheet... everything!
Built-in Tutorial
It's annoying to watch the video or read the manual. This system has a guide on the screen (On-Screen Guide). The system will guide you through each step of the tutorial.
Other Functions
Click to see other functions.
The price is same, don't worry.
No extra charge. Let's click.
Compare Us
Could you compare us with some competitors? We have prepared a comparison table for you to look at.
Our Customers
They are satisfied. There are suggestions and comments; we keep fixing it.
Frequently Asked Question
Does Works25 requires internet connection?
Yes. Internet connection is required. No need to worry if suddenly the wifi stops working. You can still use Works25 via smartphone.
Can multiple users log in at the same time?
Yes. multiple users can log in at the same time, from any internet enabled device.
What happens if somehow our business data is loss?
We do backup everyday at 2am. Clients can request to restore data from backup.
Is there any limit to users or transactions per month?
No limit. Monthly charges are based on usage.
Is there any storage limit?
No limit for database. For media files, mostly are saved to clients Google Drive. So, the limit is the client's Google drive size.
However, order update images are saved in our server, with charge of RM1 per 1000 images stored, monthly.
Monthly Charges Based On Usage
- Transaction Charges: "RM 0.02 per transaction".
- Storage Charges: "RM 1 for every 1,000 images uploaded."
Confused? Try our interactive form now to understand the new billing plan better!
Additional Branch
Similar charges, usage is pooled into 1 billing account.
Free Online Support
Online support is free.
- 9am to 9pm: Instant support
- Via Facebook Support Group, Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp
On-site Support
RM2 perkm from Kota Damansara, Selangor.
- Minimum RM150 charge
- Plus accomodation fee if more than 100km
Hardware Packages
We offer several hardware packages.
Click on this link:
3rd Party Hardwares Integration
To integrate with a 3rd party hardware, we might need to install new drivers.
- Thermal Printer
- Label Printer
- Cash Drawer
- PC
- Tablet
- Secondary Display
- Barcode Scanners
- Weighing Machine
RM100 per device, if device is not plug-and-play.
You can also do it yourself, by following our online guides.
Want To See Demo First?
Still undecided? Try our demo unit to have a look and feel of the system, before deciding.
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Dobi, Sekuriti Tunai
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